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Sh. Rubinderjit Singh Brar, PCS, Director Higher Education, Chandigarh Administration (U.T.) Chandigarh
Email id: dhe-chd@chd.gov.in
Editor-In Chief
Dr. Harsh Batra, Principal, Govt. College of Education, Sector-20 D, Chandigarh
E-mail id: gcechd@yahoo.co.in, gcechd@gcechd.ac.in
Dr. Sheojee Singh, Associate Professor, Govt. College of Education, Chandigarh
Dr. Punam Bansal, Associate Professor, Govt. College of Education, Chandigarh
Advisory Board:
Prof. Reeta Sonawat, Professor, SNDT Women University, Mumbai.
Prof. Amit Kauts, Dept. of Education, GNDU, Amritsar
Prof. Shireesh Pal Singh, NCERT, New Delhi.
Dr. Ishani Aggarwal, Associate Professor, Fundacao Getulio Vargas Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
Prof Sunil Dutt, Former Head, Dept of Education and Educational Management, NITTTR, Chandigarh
Dr. Seema Sareen, Associate Professor, Dev Samaj College of Education, Chandigarh
Dr. Manu Chaddha, Associate Professor, GHG Khalsa College of Education, Gurusar Sadhar, Ludhiana.
Editorial Office
Government College of Education
Sector-20 D, Chnadigarh-160020 (U.T.)